* This file is part of the Sonata Project package.
* (c) Thomas Rabaix <thomas.rabaix@sonata-project.org>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Sonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\Model;
use Doctrine\Common\Util\ClassUtils;
use Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException;
use Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\FieldDescriptionInterface;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\DatagridInterface;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\ProxyQueryInterface;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Exception\LockException;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Exception\ModelManagerException;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Model\LockInterface;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Model\ModelManagerInterface;
use Sonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\Admin\FieldDescription;
use Sonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\Datagrid\OrderByToSelectWalker;
use Sonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\Datagrid\ProxyQuery;
use Sonata\Exporter\Source\DoctrineORMQuerySourceIterator;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessorInterface;
class ModelManager implements ModelManagerInterface, LockInterface
public const ID_SEPARATOR = '~';
* @var ManagerRegistry
protected $registry;
* @var PropertyAccessorInterface
protected $propertyAccessor;
* @var EntityManager[]
protected $cache = [];
* NEXT_MAJOR: Make $propertyAccessor mandatory.
public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry, ?PropertyAccessorInterface $propertyAccessor = null)
$this->registry = $registry;
// NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this block.
if (null === $propertyAccessor) {
'Constructing "%s" without passing an instance of "%s" as second argument is deprecated since'
.' sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.22 and will be mandatory in 4.0.',
$propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor();
$this->propertyAccessor = $propertyAccessor;
* @param string $class
* @return ClassMetadata
public function getMetadata($class)
return $this->getEntityManager($class)->getMetadataFactory()->getMetadataFor($class);
* Returns the model's metadata holding the fully qualified property, and the last
* property name.
* @param string $baseClass The base class of the model holding the fully qualified property
* @param string $propertyFullName The name of the fully qualified property (dot ('.') separated
* property string)
* @return array(
* \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $parentMetadata,
* string $lastPropertyName,
* array $parentAssociationMappings
* )
public function getParentMetadataForProperty($baseClass, $propertyFullName)
$nameElements = explode('.', $propertyFullName);
$lastPropertyName = array_pop($nameElements);
$class = $baseClass;
$parentAssociationMappings = [];
foreach ($nameElements as $nameElement) {
$metadata = $this->getMetadata($class);
if (isset($metadata->associationMappings[$nameElement])) {
$parentAssociationMappings[] = $metadata->associationMappings[$nameElement];
$class = $metadata->getAssociationTargetClass($nameElement);
$properties = \array_slice($nameElements, \count($parentAssociationMappings));
$properties[] = $lastPropertyName;
return [$this->getMetadata($class), implode('.', $properties), $parentAssociationMappings];
* @param string $class
* @return bool
public function hasMetadata($class)
return $this->getEntityManager($class)->getMetadataFactory()->hasMetadataFor($class);
public function getNewFieldDescriptionInstance($class, $name, array $options = [])
if (!\is_string($name)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('The name argument must be a string');
if (!isset($options['route']['name'])) {
$options['route']['name'] = 'edit';
if (!isset($options['route']['parameters'])) {
$options['route']['parameters'] = [];
list($metadata, $propertyName, $parentAssociationMappings) = $this->getParentMetadataForProperty($class, $name);
$fieldDescription = new FieldDescription();
if (isset($metadata->associationMappings[$propertyName])) {
if (isset($metadata->fieldMappings[$propertyName])) {
return $fieldDescription;
public function create($object)
try {
$entityManager = $this->getEntityManager($object);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
throw new ModelManagerException(
sprintf('Failed to create object: %s', ClassUtils::getClass($object)),
} catch (DBALException $e) {
throw new ModelManagerException(
sprintf('Failed to create object: %s', ClassUtils::getClass($object)),
public function update($object)
try {
$entityManager = $this->getEntityManager($object);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
throw new ModelManagerException(
sprintf('Failed to update object: %s', ClassUtils::getClass($object)),
} catch (DBALException $e) {
throw new ModelManagerException(
sprintf('Failed to update object: %s', ClassUtils::getClass($object)),
public function delete($object)
try {
$entityManager = $this->getEntityManager($object);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
throw new ModelManagerException(
sprintf('Failed to delete object: %s', ClassUtils::getClass($object)),
} catch (DBALException $e) {
throw new ModelManagerException(
sprintf('Failed to delete object: %s', ClassUtils::getClass($object)),
public function getLockVersion($object)
$metadata = $this->getMetadata(ClassUtils::getClass($object));
if (!$metadata->isVersioned) {
return null;
return $metadata->reflFields[$metadata->versionField]->getValue($object);
public function lock($object, $expectedVersion)
$metadata = $this->getMetadata(ClassUtils::getClass($object));
if (!$metadata->isVersioned) {
try {
$entityManager = $this->getEntityManager($object);
$entityManager->lock($object, LockMode::OPTIMISTIC, $expectedVersion);
} catch (OptimisticLockException $e) {
throw new LockException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
public function find($class, $id)
if (null === $id) {
'Passing null as argument 1 for %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.20 and will be not allowed in version 4.0.',
return null;
$values = array_combine($this->getIdentifierFieldNames($class), explode(self::ID_SEPARATOR, (string) $id));
return $this->getEntityManager($class)->getRepository($class)->find($values);
public function findBy($class, array $criteria = [])
return $this->getEntityManager($class)->getRepository($class)->findBy($criteria);
public function findOneBy($class, array $criteria = [])
return $this->getEntityManager($class)->getRepository($class)->findOneBy($criteria);
* @param string|object $class
* @return EntityManager
public function getEntityManager($class)
if (\is_object($class)) {
$class = \get_class($class);
if (!isset($this->cache[$class])) {
$em = $this->registry->getManagerForClass($class);
if (!$em) {
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('No entity manager defined for class %s', $class));
$this->cache[$class] = $em;
return $this->cache[$class];
* NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this method.
* @deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.22 and will be removed in version 4.0
public function getParentFieldDescription($parentAssociationMapping, $class)
'Method %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.22 and will be removed in 4.0.',
$fieldName = $parentAssociationMapping['fieldName'];
$metadata = $this->getMetadata($class);
$associatingMapping = $metadata->associationMappings[$parentAssociationMapping];
$fieldDescription = $this->getNewFieldDescriptionInstance($class, $fieldName);
return $fieldDescription;
public function createQuery($class, $alias = 'o')
$repository = $this->getEntityManager($class)->getRepository($class);
return new ProxyQuery($repository->createQueryBuilder($alias));
public function executeQuery($query)
if ($query instanceof QueryBuilder) {
return $query->getQuery()->execute();
return $query->execute();
* NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this function.
* @deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.18. To be removed in 4.0.
public function getModelIdentifier($class)
return $this->getMetadata($class)->identifier;
public function getIdentifierValues($entity)
// Fix code has an impact on performance, so disable it ...
//$entityManager = $this->getEntityManager($entity);
//if (!$entityManager->getUnitOfWork()->isInIdentityMap($entity)) {
// throw new \RuntimeException('Entities passed to the choice field must be managed');
$class = ClassUtils::getClass($entity);
$metadata = $this->getMetadata($class);
$platform = $this->getEntityManager($class)->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
$identifiers = [];
foreach ($metadata->getIdentifierValues($entity) as $name => $value) {
if (!\is_object($value)) {
$identifiers[] = $value;
$fieldType = $metadata->getTypeOfField($name);
$type = $fieldType && Type::hasType($fieldType) ? Type::getType($fieldType) : null;
if ($type) {
$identifiers[] = $this->getValueFromType($value, $type, $fieldType, $platform);
$identifierMetadata = $this->getMetadata(ClassUtils::getClass($value));
foreach ($identifierMetadata->getIdentifierValues($value) as $value) {
$identifiers[] = $value;
return $identifiers;
public function getIdentifierFieldNames($class)
return $this->getMetadata($class)->getIdentifierFieldNames();
public function getNormalizedIdentifier($entity)
// NEXT_MAJOR: Remove the following 2 checks and declare "object" as type for argument 1.
if (null === $entity) {
'Passing null as argument 1 for %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.20 and will be not allowed in version 4.0.',
return null;
if (!\is_object($entity)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid argument, object or null required');
if (\in_array($this->getEntityManager($entity)->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityState($entity), [
], true)) {
// NEXT_MAJOR: Uncomment the following exception, remove the deprecation and the return statement inside this conditional block.
// throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
// 'Can not get the normalized identifier for %s since it is in state %u.',
// ClassUtils::getClass($entity),
// $this->getEntityManager($entity)->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityState($entity)
// ));
'Passing an object which is in state %u (new) or %u (removed) as argument 1 for %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.20'
.'and will be not allowed in version 4.0.',
return null;
$values = $this->getIdentifierValues($entity);
if (0 === \count($values)) {
return null;
return implode(self::ID_SEPARATOR, $values);
* {@inheritdoc}
* The ORM implementation does nothing special but you still should use
* this method when using the id in a URL to allow for future improvements.
public function getUrlSafeIdentifier($entity)
// NEXT_MAJOR: Remove the following check and declare "object" as type for argument 1.
if (!\is_object($entity)) {
'Passing other type than object for argument 1 for %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.20 and will be not allowed in version 4.0.',
return null;
return $this->getNormalizedIdentifier($entity);
public function addIdentifiersToQuery($class, ProxyQueryInterface $queryProxy, array $idx)
$fieldNames = $this->getIdentifierFieldNames($class);
$qb = $queryProxy->getQueryBuilder();
$prefix = uniqid();
$sqls = [];
foreach ($idx as $pos => $id) {
$ids = explode(self::ID_SEPARATOR, $id);
$ands = [];
foreach ($fieldNames as $posName => $name) {
$parameterName = sprintf('field_%s_%s_%d', $prefix, $name, $pos);
$ands[] = sprintf('%s.%s = :%s', current($qb->getRootAliases()), $name, $parameterName);
$qb->setParameter($parameterName, $ids[$posName]);
$sqls[] = implode(' AND ', $ands);
$qb->andWhere(sprintf('( %s )', implode(' OR ', $sqls)));
public function batchDelete($class, ProxyQueryInterface $queryProxy)
$queryProxy->select('DISTINCT '.current($queryProxy->getRootAliases()));
try {
$entityManager = $this->getEntityManager($class);
$i = 0;
foreach ($queryProxy->getQuery()->iterate() as $pos => $object) {
if (0 === (++$i % 20)) {
} catch (\PDOException | DBALException $e) {
throw new ModelManagerException('', 0, $e);
public function getDataSourceIterator(DatagridInterface $datagrid, array $fields, $firstResult = null, $maxResult = null)
$query = $datagrid->getQuery();
$query->select('DISTINCT '.current($query->getRootAliases()));
if ($query instanceof ProxyQueryInterface) {
$sortBy = $query->getSortBy();
if (!empty($sortBy)) {
$query->addOrderBy($sortBy, $query->getSortOrder());
$query = $query->getQuery();
$query->setHint(Query::HINT_CUSTOM_TREE_WALKERS, [OrderByToSelectWalker::class]);
} else {
$query = $query->getQuery();
return new DoctrineORMQuerySourceIterator($query, $fields);
public function getExportFields($class)
$metadata = $this->getEntityManager($class)->getClassMetadata($class);
return $metadata->getFieldNames();
public function getModelInstance($class)
$r = new \ReflectionClass($class);
if ($r->isAbstract()) {
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot initialize abstract class: %s', $class));
$constructor = $r->getConstructor();
if (null !== $constructor && (!$constructor->isPublic() || $constructor->getNumberOfRequiredParameters() > 0)) {
return $r->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
return new $class();
* NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this method.
* @deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.
public function getSortParameters(FieldDescriptionInterface $fieldDescription, DatagridInterface $datagrid)
'Method %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.',
$values = $datagrid->getValues();
if ($this->isFieldAlreadySorted($fieldDescription, $datagrid)) {
if ('ASC' === $values['_sort_order']) {
$values['_sort_order'] = 'DESC';
} else {
$values['_sort_order'] = 'ASC';
} else {
$values['_sort_order'] = 'ASC';
$values['_sort_by'] = \is_string($fieldDescription->getOption('sortable')) ? $fieldDescription->getOption('sortable') : $fieldDescription->getName();
return ['filter' => $values];
* NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this method.
* @deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.
public function getPaginationParameters(DatagridInterface $datagrid, $page)
'Method %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.',
$values = $datagrid->getValues();
if (isset($values['_sort_by']) && $values['_sort_by'] instanceof FieldDescriptionInterface) {
$values['_sort_by'] = $values['_sort_by']->getName();
$values['_page'] = $page;
return ['filter' => $values];
public function getDefaultSortValues($class)
return [
'_sort_order' => 'ASC',
'_sort_by' => implode(',', $this->getModelIdentifier($class)),
'_page' => 1,
'_per_page' => 25,
public function getDefaultPerPageOptions(string $class): array
return [10, 25, 50, 100, 250];
public function modelTransform($class, $instance)
return $instance;
public function modelReverseTransform($class, array $array = [])
$instance = $this->getModelInstance($class);
$metadata = $this->getMetadata($class);
foreach ($array as $name => $value) {
$property = $this->getFieldName($metadata, $name);
$this->propertyAccessor->setValue($instance, $property, $value);
return $instance;
* NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this method.
* @deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.
public function getModelCollectionInstance($class)
'Method %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.',
return new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
* NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this method.
* @deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.
public function collectionClear(&$collection)
'Method %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.',
return $collection->clear();
* NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this method.
* @deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.
public function collectionHasElement(&$collection, &$element)
'Method %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.',
return $collection->contains($element);
* NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this method.
* @deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.
public function collectionAddElement(&$collection, &$element)
'Method %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.',
return $collection->add($element);
* NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this method.
* @deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.
public function collectionRemoveElement(&$collection, &$element)
'Method %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.23 and will be removed in version 4.0.',
return $collection->removeElement($element);
* NEXT_MAJOR: Remove this method.
* @param string $property
* @return mixed
protected function camelize($property)
'Method %s() is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle 3.22 and will be removed in version 4.0.',
return str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $property)));
private function getFieldName(ClassMetadata $metadata, string $name): string
if (\array_key_exists($name, $metadata->fieldMappings)) {
return $metadata->fieldMappings[$name]['fieldName'];
if (\array_key_exists($name, $metadata->associationMappings)) {
return $metadata->associationMappings[$name]['fieldName'];
return $name;
private function isFieldAlreadySorted(FieldDescriptionInterface $fieldDescription, DatagridInterface $datagrid): bool
$values = $datagrid->getValues();
if (!isset($values['_sort_by']) || !$values['_sort_by'] instanceof FieldDescriptionInterface) {
return false;
return $values['_sort_by']->getName() === $fieldDescription->getName()
|| $values['_sort_by']->getName() === $fieldDescription->getOption('sortable');
* @param mixed $value
private function getValueFromType($value, Type $type, string $fieldType, AbstractPlatform $platform): string
if ($platform->hasDoctrineTypeMappingFor($fieldType) &&
'binary' === $platform->getDoctrineTypeMapping($fieldType)
) {
return (string) $type->convertToPHPValue($value, $platform);
// some libraries may have `toString()` implementation
if (\is_callable([$value, 'toString'])) {
return $value->toString();
// final fallback to magic `__toString()` which may throw an exception in 7.4
if (method_exists($value, '__toString')) {
return $value->__toString();
return (string) $type->convertToDatabaseValue($value, $platform);